Where To Write & Send Non-Profit Complaints
Here is a list of key people at Non-Profit organizations:
Pamela L. Seman, Executive Director
The Disabled Veterans Associations
6285 Pearl Road, Suite #7
Parma Heights, OH 44130
(440) 885-1944 phone
(866) 331-1944 toll-free
(440) 885-1940 fax
Email: plseman@help4vets.org
Frank Tepedino, President
Firefighters Charitable Foundation
One West Street
Farmingdale, NY 11735
(800) 837-3473 phone
Email: ffcf@ffcf.org
Terry Morrison, President
Disabled Police Officers of America
222 Government Avenue, Suite C
Niceville, FL 32578
(850) 729-0190 phone
Email: morrisont@dpoa.us
Gail J. McGovern, President & CEO
American Red Cross
2025 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
(800) 733-2767 phone
(800) 220-4095 TTY
Email: donorsupport@usa.redcross.org
Commissioner Israel L. Gaither - National Commander
The Salvation Army National Headquarters
615 Slaters Lane
P.O. Box 269
Alexandria, VA 22313
Lawrence A. Selzer, President & CEO
The Conservation Fund
1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1300
Arlington, VA 22209
(703) 525-6300 phone
(703) 525-4610 fax
Email: postmaster@conservationfund.org
Note: More names and addresses will be added soon, and if you'd like to submit an address, or provide some other resource to our website, please Contact Us.